Join in and help develop the new Westport brand! Community input is needed in October and November.

Municipal branding is more than just a website and a logo. A brand is an experience, an emotion and a memory. It communicates what makes Westport unique and appealing through a combination of visuals and words. A strong brand can help boost economic development, tourism and the sense of community that residents enjoy.

STEP ONE – October 10 – 30, 2021

In three words or less, describe your Westport experience, emotion or a memory. If you have trouble getting started, consider how you would describe our hometown to someone who has never visited, and do it in three words or less. From your suggestions, members of Council and four community representatives will select the top contender(s).

You can participate in STEP ONE in a variety of ways:

  1. Use this survey monkey link:
  2. Send an email with your three words or less suggestion to
  3. Drop a note in the mail slot at Town Hall with your three words or less suggestion.

STEP TWO – November 1 – 30, 2021

The top selection(s) from STEP ONE will be published and the community will be asked to develop a slogan or tag line using them. More information on this will be provided November 1.

Thanks for your help!

Robin Jones, Mayor