November 24, 2021

Join in and help develop the new Westport slogan! Your input is needed again this fall.Municipal branding is more than just a website and a logo. A brand is an experience, an emotion and a memory. It communicates what makes Westport unique and appealing through a combination of visuals and words. A strong brand can help boost economic development, tourism and the sense of community that residents enjoy.We began with community input by asking the public to describe, in three words or less, their Westport experience, an emotion or a memory. If they were to describe their hometown to someone who had never visited, what word(s) sprang to mind. Well done, Westport! You submitted over 250 suggestions.From this list, members of Council and community representatives chose the top two. The community members are Ken Rose (this year’s Westport’s Senior of the Year),Joel Kimmel (artist and member of the Westport Parks & Recreation and Harbour Advisory Committee) Christine Janeway (author, artist and the best Museum Curator ever) and Mary Chaikowsky (artist and member of the Friends of the Library). You can watch how they arrived at their decisions by watching the November 18th Village You Tube channel.The two words selected are: LAKESIDE with the most votes and HERITAGE followed closely behind.This is now your opportunity to shape our Village’s slogan. When you think of Westport in conjunction with the word LAKESIDE what phrase comes to mind? Or, what phrase rolls around in your mind when you consider Westport and HERITAGE? And if your suggestion doesn’t have either thoughts of LAKESIDE or HERITAGE, no worries – send it along! All suggestions will be considered by the committee.Consider having this as a topic of conversation over the dinner table. What are your children’s thoughts? Ask your neighbours if they have thought about a new Village slogan. Perhaps discuss it with friends at church or the coffeeshop. The schools will be invited to get involved as well.

To get you thinking, Here are some slogans of other Ontario municipalities.

MUSKOKA – Once Discovered, Never Forgotten

NORTH BAY – Gateway of the North

OSHAWA- Prepare to be Amazed

THUNDERBAY – Superior by Nature

GUELPH – Making a Difference

AURORA – You’re in Good Company

Some considerations when writing a slogan:

A. Keep it short and simple. It needs to be pithy – saying a lot with a little

B. Focus on what makes us different

C. Timeless

D. Ensure it can stand alone

E. Make it memorable by using rhyme, rhythm, and brevity

F. Be honest

G. Have fun!

You can participate in STEP TWO from November 22 – December 13 in a variety of ways:

A. Use this survey monkey link:

B. Send an email with your slogan suggestion to, or

C. Drop a note in the mail slot at Town Hall with your suggestion for the new Village slogan.

The committee of Councillors and community members will review the suggestions and make its recommendation to Council in late December.

STEP THREE – Winter2022

The top selection from STEP TWO will be used to develop the new Village logo. More about that later.

Have fun and thank you for getting involved!

Mayor Robin Jones & Council