The Village needs volunteers to assist with three areas during an emergency or similar event and will be holding a training day on Monday, October 28. 


The following roles require assistance from the public through trained volunteers:




Whether it is a boil water advisory, severe weather event or evacuation, we need volunteers who can knock on every residential and business door in the community to communicate the situation and document their actions.


Reception Centre:


In the case of evacuation, a reception centre(s) needs to be established as a safe meeting point for residents and business owners.Social Services from UCLG will assume this responsibility once they arrive in the village, but we will need to get things set up.




Scribe for the Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC), who has overall authority for the event/emergency, needs a note-taker during an incident.


The training on October 28 will cover these three areas in the morning while in the afternoon, we will hold a mock emergency exercise so volunteers can see how things work in an emergency. 


Please think about volunteering for these roles.  If you are not sure, join the training and see if it is the right fit for you.  Please advise Paul Snider, CAO/Clerk of your interest in attending as soon as possible.  He can be reached by calling Town Hall at 613-273-2191 or email to