Now that the New Year has arrived, let’s transport ourselves back ninety-nine years to 1918 when the Red Cross was first organized in Westport.  At this time, the village had been thrown into the devastation of The Great War, losses and injuries had begun to pile up, and respected citizens started to take action.

“The (Red Cross Society) Organized in Westport on Jan 3rd (Dr Lockwood gave a talk on the war, Father ORourke Chairman, James McQuire President, M.E. Mulville Treasurer. W. Ripley Secretary) The Ladies of the Executive are 5 in Number.  Representing the 5 Denominations – Mrs B.J. McNally Mrs. H.W. Lockwood, Mrs. Baylay, Mrs. G. Fredenburgh, Mrs. H. [I] Arnold”

~the above entry is from The Diary of Nell McCann


Win Ripley became the treasurer, which was definitely within his wheelhouse, as they say.  He was a man of many talents.


Win Ripley worked out of his home and office on Spring Street. This ad for his business was found in the Westport Mirror of 1917.


Win’s home/office was on Spring Street, in his house which looks very similar to today. This photo came to the archives of the museum as an anonymous donation.


Win, his family, and his car are shown in this photo which also came to the museum in the anonymously donated album. The museum is always pleased to take in albums or individual photos of local interest, as it helps us keep our history alive.