Image of Leeds Grenville ambulance

On July 2, a Paramedic Response Unit (PRU) will begin service in Westport, located in the Fire Hall. A PRU is a first response for ambulance services. A fully trained and qualified paramedic will be on duty 12 hours a day. 7 days a week. The paramedic will operate from a fully stocked and supplied marked medical response vehicle (likely a Yukon) with one exception – it is not equipped to transport. The PRU will be dispatched to medical calls, generally in North Leeds, triage the patient and if transportation is required, summons an ambulance.

There are two major benefits of having a PRU in Westport. First, it should significantly reduce ambulance response times. Athens has had a PRU for the past 18 months and response time has been greatly reduced. The second benefit is the return of the PRU to Westport instead of transporting the patient to hospital, which can remove the vehicle from the area for many hours.

On behalf of Westport Council and the community, I want to thank the Mayors of United Counties of Leeds and Grenville’s ten municipalities as well as Brockville, Prescott and Gananoque for your support.

Chief Carss – the Village just might have a parade to celebrate. Thank you.