Leeds, Grenville, and Lanark District Health Unit
January 11, 2022
Due to the circulation of Omicron variant of COVID-19 throughout Ontario and the overwhelming strain it has put on our health care system the Province has moved back to a modified version of Step 2 in its Re-opening Ontario Plan.
At this time indoor gyms are to be closed for classes, personal training, using machines and equipment; however, there are a few exceptions.
Gyms, fitness, and sports facilities can operate only for:
Athletes that are attending the winter or summer Olympics or Paralympics only, other elite athletes are not permitted to train in your gym.
Child care within the meaning of the Childcare and Early Years Act, 2014 such as a licensed daycare
Mental health or an addiction support services that are being facilitated by a registered health professional or organization with a maximum of 10 participants per group, and
The provision of social services provided by a recognized social service agency with a maximum of 10 participants per group.
Trainers may offer classes and personal training through alternative methods such as online, outdoors or other remote means. Employees may enter the facility to retrieve equipment, for the purpose of maintenance, or to provide online and remote services.
We trust that facilities and trainers will comply with the requirements of the modified Step 2 Ontario Regulation O. Reg. 263/20: RULES FOR AREAS IN STEP 2 (