TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Westport is undertaking a review of its Official Plan as required by the Planning Act.
AND TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Westport will hold an online special Public Meeting via Zoom at 6:00 p.m. on March 22, 2022 to introduce the Official Plan project and to discuss the revisions that may be required. To register for the meeting, please contact the office for instructions.
THE OFFICIAL PLAN for the Village of Westport received final approval in 2006 by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Pursuant to Section 26 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, Chapter P.13, Council shall, not less than ten years after an Official Plan comes into effect, revise the Plan to ensure that it conforms to, or does not conflict with provincial plans; has regard to matters of provincial interest; and is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. This is also an opportunity to ensure the Plan’s conformity to the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville’s Official Plan and to address any planning matters of local interest.
The Village of Westport invites you to attend a Special Meeting of Council, which is open to the public, to receive comments, ideas, and input regarding any revisions to the Village’s Official Plan that may be required. This Special Meeting will be held remotely as per by-law 2021-20. This meeting will also be livestreamed on the Village of Westport YouTube channel. Individuals wishing to participate or attend this meeting must register by contacting the Clerk’s office at the address provided below.
The Village’s Staff and Planning Consultant will be in attendance at the meeting to provide members of the public with information on the Official Plan review process and to answer questions.
The Village has also prepared an Official Plan Review Resident Survey to obtain feedback from the public and community stakeholders to help inform policy directions and areas of interest. A copy of the Survey will be made available on the Village’s website. Individuals are encouraged to complete the survey and return a copy to the Clerk’s office at the address provided below by March 25, 2022.
The public will have an opportunity to participate throughout the Official Plan Review process. If you wish to receive notification of future public consultation events and other matters related to the Official Plan Review, please contact the Village Clerk at the address below and request to be added to the project mailing list.
ANY PERSON may attend the online special public meeting and comment upon the need to undertake a revision to the Official Plan. In the event that you are unable to attend the meeting but wish to submit written comments, please attempt to ensure that your comments are delivered to the Clerk’s office prior to the day of the meeting.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the Village’s Official Plan is available on the Village’s website or through the Clerk’s office during regular business hours from Monday to Friday.
DATED THE 17th DAY OF February, 2022.
Kimberly Westgate
Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk
Village of Westport
30 Bedford Street, P.O. Box 68
Westport, Ontario, Canada K0G 1X0
Phone: 613-273-2191