The Council of the Village of Westport passed By-law 2021-35 on July 6, 2021, which directed that the vacant position of COUNCILLOR be filled by a formal by-election.


Notice is hereby given to the municipal electors of the Village of Westport that nominations for the position of COUNCILLOR must be made on the prescribed nomination paper for the 2021 Municipal By-Election which may be filed in person or by an agent with the Returning Officer of the Village from Tuesday July 12, 2021 up to Thursday, September 2, 2021 at the Clerk’s Office (Town Hall) during regular office hours and on Nomination Day, Friday September 3, 2018 until 2:00 p.m. If COVID19 restrictions are still in effect, the Clerk will receive your papers upon making an appointment.

The required filing fee of $100.00 (cash, certified cheque or money order made payable to the Village of Westport) must accompany the signed form and it is suggested that such filing fee be drawn from a separate campaign bank account required of all candidates. A nomination paper must be certified by the Municipal Clerk before such person becomes a candidate for the office. A nomination paper must be filed prior to accepting campaign contributions or incurring expenses.

You are entitled to be an elector and to run for office if you are not disqualified by any Act or law and on voting day if you are:

1. a resident of the Village of Westport; or

2. a non-resident who is an owner or tenant of land in the Village of Westport or the spouse of, or same sex partner of, such an owner or tenant; and

3. a Canadian citizen; and

4. of the full age of 18 years.

Full details on the procedures to be followed may be obtained from the Returning Officer/Clerk


If no nominations are received by September 3, 2021, the nomination period will be extended to September 8, 2021. If only one nomination is received, the position will be filled by acclamation and no election will be required. If more than one nomination is received, voters in the Village of Westport will be asked to cast their vote Election Day on October 18, 2021.

ARE YOU ON THE VOTERS’ LIST? Electors are responsible for ensuring their names and relevant information are correctly shown on the voters’ list. We will be using the voters’ list as amended by written voter application received up to and including the previous election. Application for inclusions, additions, corrections to, or deletions from the list may be made by an elector by completing and filing a form obtainable at the Municipal Office. Changes with respect to someone else’s name must be received before Nomination Day (September 3, 2021). Additions, deletions and changes with respect to your own name may be made during regular office hours (and until 8:00 pm EST on voting day (October 18, 2021) only). Your earliest attention to revisions is encouraged to avoid unnecessary travel and/or delays on voting day.

Dated this 15thday of July 2021.

Returning Officer- Paul SniderThe Village of Westport

Box 68, 30 Bedford St., Westport, ON K0G 1X0

PH (613) 273-2191;
