The Village will use the traditional paper ballot for the 2022 Municipal Election and voting will take place at 30 Bedford Street as follows:
- Advanced Poll: Monday, October 17, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Election Day: Monday, October 24, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Please be sure to bring with you the correct identification.
You must present one of the following documents showing your name and address:
- Ontario driver’s licence
- Ontario Health Card (photo card)
- Ontario Photo Card
- Ontario motor vehicle permit (vehicle portion)
- cancelled personalized cheque
- mortgage statement, lease or rental agreement relating to property in Ontario
- insurance policy or insurance statement
- loan agreement or other financial agreement with a financial institution
- document issued or certified by a court in Ontario
- any other document from the government of Canada, Ontario or a municipality in Ontario or from an agency or such a government
- any document from a Band Council in Ontario established under the Indian Act (Canada)
- income tax assessment notice
- child tax benefit statement
- statement of employment insurance benefits paid T4E
- statement of old age security T4A (OAS)
- statement of Canada Pension Plan benefits T4A(P)
- Canada Pension Plan statement of contributions
- statement of direct deposit for Ontario Works
- statement of direct deposit for Ontario Disability Support Program
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board statement of benefits T5007
- property tax assessment
- credit card statement, bank account statement, or RRSP, RRIF, RHOSP or T5 statement
- CNIB Card or a card from another registered charitable organization that provides services to persons with disabilities
- hospital card or record
- document showing campus residence, issued by the office or officials responsible for student residence at a post-secondary institution
- document showing residence at a long-term care home under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007, issued by the Administrator for the home
- utility bill for hydro, water, gas, telephone or cable TV or a bill from a public utilities commission
- cheque stub, T4 statement or pay receipt issued by an employer
- transcript or report card from a post-secondary school