Received this email from MPAC CEO and President this morning.  


Good morning Robin,


As part of the Ontario Government’s Economic and Fiscal Update on March 25, the Hon. Rod Phillips, Minister of Finance, announced the Province’s decision to postpone the 2020 Assessment Update.


The provincial government has indicated that property assessments for the 2021 taxation year will continue to be based on the fully phased-in January 1, 2016 current values (i.e., the same valuation date in use for 2020 taxation year).


At MPAC, we are committed to capturing new assessment to support your assessment base to the greatest extent we are able while observing provincial health and safety guidelines around physical distancing. As soon as our property inspectors are permitted to resume their work in your communities we will be out in full force.


In the meantime, we plan to explore alternate approaches to collect the necessary information to assess new construction activity. Our regular business of analyzing sales, completing tax applications and managing Requests for Reconsideration and appeals will continue, too.


While we know you are busy taking care of urgent issues in your communities right now, we will seek opportunities to consult with you about how we can best support you through this unprecedented pandemic.


If you have any questions, we are here to support you




Nicole McNeill

President and Chief Administrative Officer