DATE: May 25, 2021

TO: Residents of Westport and Other Users of Lockwood Memorial Park

FROM: Mayor Robin Jones & Council

RE: Lockwood Park – We Need Your Input


Village of Westport Council and Staff are constantly striving to assess the ability of Lockwood Memorial Park to meet the needs of the community. COVID-19 has provided us with the opportunity to consider adapting our park to respond to the pandemic – to create a safe and vibrant space and to improve mobility options.

To better meet your needs, we are surveying the residents of Westport and other users of the park. This survey will help us to make improvements while using taxpayer dollars wisely. It will help support grant applications as well.

We would greatly appreciate your taking a few minutes to complete this survey. There are two ways to complete the survey, online by visiting the Survey Monkey link below which will direct you to the “Lockwood Park Survey”. The second way is by completing the written survey, a copy of which will be in your post office box tomorrow. Completed written surveys can be dropped into Town Hall, through the mail slot or mailed to Village of Westport, P.O. Box 68, K0G 1X0.

Be assured that your responses will be kept completely confidential.

The survey will be open for submissions until Monday, June 7. Please take a couple of minutes to complete the survey. We want to hear from you! Your input is important.

Please call (613-273-9195) or email ( if you have concerns or questions.

Lockwood Park Survey