What was done last week?


  • Completed second doses for residents in Long-Term Care Homes (LTCHs) and High Risk Retirement Homes (HR RHs)
  • Continuing to provide first or second doses to new admissions to Long-Term Care Homes and High Risk Retirement Homes
  • Continue to offer first doses to those in other Retirement Homes
  • Operated 4 fixed sites (Smiths Falls, Almonte, Brockville and Kemptville)
  • Moved the Brockville clinic into the new larger space at the Memorial Centre
  • Continued to support In House Hospital Staff Clinics
  • Continued Outreach Team: Provides immunizations in homes for those that are bedbound or have severe mobility issues (must also be in an eligible category)
  • Continued our contingency list program to offer up last minute doses to those in the priority groups

New Provincial Appointment Booking System continues

  • Opened up booking in the provincial appointment booking system for those born in 1951 or before (70+).
  • Opened up booking in the provincial appointment booking system for Indigenous adults (16+)
  • How to book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment (ontario.ca)
  • Provincial Vaccine Information Line at 1-888-999-6488, open Monday to Sunday from 8:00am to 8:00pm

Continue Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Appointment Booking System for non-aged based provincial priority groups and for primary care to use with individuals in their practice for eligible groups.

  • Continue to support the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Appointment Booking System for those that have received an invitation link and code. If you have difficulties with your link, please email covid@healthunit.org.
  • Number of Immunizations Given:

    • From March 29–April 4, 2021: 3564 individuals received their first dose of vaccine this week and 136 residents in Long-Term Care Homes/Retirement Homes received their second dose of vaccine
    • A total of 21, 932 individuals have received at least one dose of the Pfizer or Moderna Vaccine (either through one of our fixed sites, the KHSC Clinic, the Ottawa Hospital Clinic or one of our mobile clinics) since our roll out started.

    **This number does not include those that received AstraZeneca in a Participating Pharmacy

    What is the plan for this week?

    Health Care Worker Prioritization

    Phase 2 of Vaccination Prioritization Plan

    Booking for clients in the following groups:

    • Health Care Worker – Highest Priority*
    • Health Care Worker – Very High Priority*
    • Health Care Worker – High Priority*
    • Health Care Worker – Moderate Priority*
    • Staff and caregivers in retirement homes and other congregate care settings for seniors (e.g., assisted living)
    • Adults receiving chronic home care health services
    • Indigenous Adults (16+)
    • Residents, Staff and Designated Essential Caregivers of Other High Risk Congregate Living Facilities.
    • Individuals with high-risk chronic conditions – Highest Risk Category*
    • Individuals with high-risk chronic conditions – Very High Risk Category*

    Continue to roll out stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 and some of stage 4 of the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution and Administration Roll Out Plan. Including vaccine for congregate settings.

    Open our expanded clinic at the Brockville Memorial Centre (on the arena surface)

    Promote Provincial Appointment Booking System for the general public based on 5 year age groups continues

    • Promote and support the new provincial COVAX appointment booking system for those born in 1946 or before (70+).
    • How to book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment (ontario.ca)
    • The system has already supported the immunization of other groups identified in Phase Two, including individuals aged 70 and over, with many public health units using the provincial booking system to offer appointments to individuals aged 60 and over (born in 1961 or before) beginning on April 7, 2021 at 8:00am
    • * if you need to cancel your appointment through the provincial booking system, please go to OMH – Manage your appointments (covaxonbooking.ca)
    • Provincial Vaccine Information Line at 1-888-999-6488, open Monday to Sunday from 8:00am to 8:00pm

    Continue Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Appointment Booking System for non-aged based provincial priority groups and for aged-based individuals who need to support to book at a vaccine clinic.

    • Continue to support the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Appointment Booking System for eligible individuals who have received an invitation link. If you have difficulties with your link, please email covid@healthunit.org.
    • Work with primary care and hospitals to identify individuals with highest and very high risk health conditions

    Work with primary care who have offered to provide AstraZeneca in their offices to 55+ to be set up to give vaccine

    Advertise provincial pharmacy website to book appt for AstraZeneca for 55+.

    Expand the Call Centre with new telecommunications technology with Lanark County and United Counties of Leeds-Grenville.

    Finalize planning for community pop up clinics in smaller communities and in home vaccine referral process for those that are unable to get to a fixed site or a pop up. Continue to grow capacity at our four fixed sites.

    What are we working on for next week

    What can I do now?

    • Get informed visit COVID-19 Protection and Vaccine
    • Stay healthy
    • Follow COVID-19 precautions – wear a mask, keep the 2m/6ft distance from others, essential trips only
    • Stay home if sick and contact the Assessment Centres for testing
    • Ensure your other immunizations are up to date
    • Discuss any concerns with your health care provider, here is the link to consent form COVID-19 Vaccine Screening and Consent Form (gov.on.ca)
    • Be patient. It will take time for COVID-19 vaccines to be distributed to everyone in the community. Each group will be specifically identified and notified in advance to plan for vaccination – information will be posted on our website, social media, local media, and through healthcare and community partners – you won’t be missed!

    *High Risk Retirement Homes are defined as those that are co-located with a long-term care home and/or have a formal memory unit within the facility.