We are so close to our goal of 90% second doses, with people continuing to receive both first and second doses at public health clinics, pharmacies, hospitals, and primary care.


  • Of the region’s population 12 years of age and over, 93.2% have first dose (92.5% last week), 87.7% have second dose (86.8% last week) (as of Sept 12, 2021).
  • Over 1000 first doses were administered last week
  • In youth 12–17, 84.1% have first doses and 74% have second doses.
  • In ages 18–29, 76.6% have first doses and 66% have second doses.
  • We encourage those 18–29 to check out the options for getting vaccinated below.
  • Pharmacies are beginning to make up a larger proportion of vaccine administration in LGLDHU
  • Our vaccination dashboard has all the details and will be updated again next Tuesday, Sept 21.

Vaccine Clinics

  • A number of clinics are available still in various communities: check our website for the up to date times and dates: https://healthunit.org/health-information/covid-19/protection/vaccine-clinics/ – Some locations have changed so remember to check the listing.
  • Letters of consent will be sent to all parents of students in Grade 7 and up. Any parent wishing for their child to get COVID-19 immunization at school can send in the consent form.

Vaccine Certificate

  • New regulations have been released to explain the rules around the vaccine passport. Visit the Ontario Government COVID-19 website for details: https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1000779/ontario-to-require-proof-of-vaccination-in-select-settings
  • Further guidance was released that those with a medical exemption must have a written document from a physician or nurse practitioner.
  • All Ontarians who registered their vaccines are encouraged to download their vaccine receipt as proof of their vaccine status until an enhanced vaccine certificate with a QR code is available. You can also call the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900.
  • If you received vaccinations outside of Canada there is a new option to submit out of Province COVID-19 Vaccination Records

Provincial Third Booster Doses for Selected Populations