November 16, 2021- Vaccination Statistics

  • We have now received updated data from the Statistics Canada 2020 Census 2020 population counts. The previous estimates were from the 2020 Ministry of Finance estimates of the population number overall and for each age-group.
  • The 2020 Census has indicated that our population has grown by about 4% in Leeds, Grenville and Lanark since 2016. These population estimates overall and for each age group will now be used by the Health Unit to calculate the proportion of the population who has received the COVID-19 vaccine in both our weekly vaccination dashboard and daily COVID-19 case summary dashboard.
  • The number of people in Leeds, Grenville and Lanark who have received the vaccine is still very high at 302,624. There have been 1,469 more people vaccinated this week than last week. These people have very good protection against COVID-19 symptoms, hospitalizations and ICU admissions. We encourage all those who have not yet received the vaccine to book through our website. Call our call centre or walk into a clinic.
  • Using the Census population numbers means that the proportion of the population who have received the vaccine COVID-19 rates and vaccination rates, while lower, are still very high and in the 90’s – first dose is 94.3% compared to 98.5%, and fully vaccinated is 91.8% compared to 95.7%.
  • Our vaccination dashboard has all the details and will be updated again next Tuesday, November 23.

Third Dose Information

  • Check our website for eligibility
  • Health Care Workers can check their eligibility here
  • Those eligible can get the third dose 6 months (minimum of 168 days) after their second dose – a date check tool is available just below the third dose eligibility information on our website.
  • As soon as you know your eligibility date, you can book an appointment online for after that date.
  • Third doses have similar side effects to the second doses e.g. a sore arm and mild symptoms, including fatigue, for a day or two
  • We are encouraging everyone to check with friends, family and neighbours who are eligible for 3rd doses and assist them in making an appointment.

Vaccine Clinics

  • The new Brockville Vaccine Clinic at the Brockville Shopping Centre has been open for a week now and is running smoothly. Thanks to our partners at BGH, LG Family Health Team, Upper Canada Health Team and Athens Family Health team for working together to get this new clinic operating.
  • Check our website for the up to date clinic times/dates/locations.
  • All of our clinics are open to book or walk-in for first, second or third doses. Booking an appointment will reduce your wait time and ensure you get in; walk in availability will be limited at clinics so people may be given a later time to return to clinic if the clinic is too busy. Walk-in availability at the end of clinic may be very limited due to vaccine supply.
  • Our local Call Centre can be reached at 1-844-369-1234. The line will be open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm, and will provide support for residents who wish to book an appointment for COVID-19 vaccine, and residents who require support to access their COVID-19 vaccine receipt.
  • Check a participating pharmacy for availability as well.

Vaccine for 5 to 11 year olds

  • Our clinics are ready to receive the 5 to 11 age groups once we receive Ministry approval to start opening clinics to this age group.
  • For more information on COVID-19 vaccines, visit the COVID-19 Protection and Vaccines section of our website.