What was done last week?
- Due to a delay in the Moderna shipment, no clinics were held this week.
- From February 1st – February 7th: 0 individuals received the vaccine this week.
- A total of 1717 individuals have received a vaccine (either through the KHSC Clinic, the Ottawa Hospital Clinic or one of our mobile clinics)
What is the plan for this week?
- Continued to roll out stage 1 of the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark COVID – 19 Vaccine Distribution and Administration Roll Out Plan for residents only.
- Continue to work with local hospitals, EMS, medical first responders and assessment centre staff to prepare them for Stage 2 of the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark COVID – 19 Vaccine Distribution and Administration Roll Out Plan.
- Continue to plan and secure locations for our 4 fixed immunization clinic sites in preparation for mass community clinics.
· NOTICE: We do not offer door to door COVID-19 vaccinations; if you receive a call in regards to someone coming to the house to provide a vaccination, contact your local police at the non-emergency phone number as it may be a scam.
What are we working on for next week
- Work on getting fixed site established to be able to provide vaccine to LTCH and HR RH staff and essential care givers as part of stage 1 roll out.
- Continue to work with local hospitals, EMS, medical first responders and assessment centre staff to prepare them for Stage 2 of the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark COVID – 19 Vaccine Distribution and Administration Roll Out Plan.
What can I do now?
- Get informed visit COVID-19 Protection and Vaccine
- Stay healthy
- Follow COVID precautions – wear a mask, keep the 2m/6ft distance from others, follow stay at home order
- Stay home if sick and contact the Assessment Centres for testing
- Ensure your other immunizations are up to date
- Discuss any concerns with your health care provider, here is the link to consent form COVID-19 Vaccine Screening and Consent Form (gov.on.ca)
- Be patient. It will take time for COVID-19 vaccines to be distributed to everyone in the community. Each group will be specifically identified and notified in advance to plan for vaccination – information will be posted on our website, social media, local media, and through healthcare and community partners – you won’t be missed!
The Health Unit’s COVID-19 Distribution and Administration Roll Out Plan helps facilitate the efficient and effective delivery of the COVID-19 vaccine in Leeds, Grenville and Lanark and aligns with the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan.
For more detailed information and FAQs about the vaccine visit the COVID-19 Protection and Vaccine section of our website.