Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit
November 3, 2023
LGL Health Unit Launching Respiratory Illness Dashboard
Starting Tuesday, November 7, the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit will be officially launching a new Respiratory Illnesses Dashboard. This more comprehensive dashboard will continue to include the information reported to the Health Unit about COVID-19, and add information about other respiratory viruses such as influenza. The dashboard serves as an indicator of the level of risk in the community.
For a number of years, the Health Unit has provided surveillance data on COVID-19 cases in the format of a COVID-19 Surveillance Report Dashboard. The Respiratory Illnesses Dashboard will replace the COVID-19 Surveillance Report Dashboard and will continue to be posted on the Health Unit website by Noon every Tuesday at this location. Some of the key differences in the expanded dashboard are the following:
- The dashboard now contains Influenza data in addition to COVID-19 data;
- The weekly interpretation is now called a Summary;
- The Summary page shows changes from the previous week plus trends over the past 12 months;
- Outbreaks (in high-risk settings such as long-term care homes, retirement homes, hospitals, and congregate living settings) and hospitalizations where reportable;
- A Syndromic Surveillance tab contains respiratory-related hospital visits and wastewater surveillance. Wastewater surveillance for COVID-19 involves testing for the presence of viral gene fragments that are shed by both asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals into municipal wastewater systems. Monitoring wastewater for COVID-19 can be used as a tool for surveillance alongside other public health indicators to identify COVID-19 trends in the region and support mobilization of resources related to the COVID-19 response.
There are also Frequently Asked Questions available in the notes section of the dashboard to help further explain what the changes mean to you if you were following the previous COVID-19 Surveillance Report Dashboard. You can also find information here:
It is important to remember that the data provided is for information surrounding the presence of respiratory illness in the LGL area and this can be used to assess the level of risk of becoming infected. If increased risk is found, more communication with the public will take place.
The recommendation from the Health Unit for the respiratory season, including COVID-19, continues to be:
- Stay home (off work and school) when you’re sick:
- Stay home for at least 24 hours after your symptoms have improved and your fever has stopped, and for at least 48 hours after GI symptoms have improved
- Stay up to date with COVID-19 and flu vaccines
- Wash your hands frequently and properly
- Wear a well-fitted mask indoors, especially with anyone at higher risk of severe infection
For the most up to date information on respiratory illness, visit: Respiratory Infections – Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit