LEEDS AND GRENVILLE—The Every Kid in our Communities (EKIOC) Coalition is looking for nominations of organizations, businesses, and individuals who make a difference in the lives of children and youth in Leeds and Grenville – in other words they build assets! These “asset builders” will be recognized during a Zoom ceremony on June 16, 2021.
The Every Kid Coalition is looking to identify organizations, businesses, and individuals who:
• Show interest and invest time in children and youth
• Inspire children and youth
• Provide support to children and youth
• Give children and youth a voice
• Introduce children and youth to new ideas and experiences
• Advocate for children and youth
“Every day organizations and individuals in Leeds, Grenville influence the lives of young people in a positive way,” explains Margaret Fancy, Coordinator of EKIOC “Our coalition wants to pay tribute to these ‘asset builders’.”
The deadline for nominations is May 19th, 2021. Nominations can be made by visiting the Asset Builder Nomination Form link or by calling 613-340-8681 for a nomination form. Anyone seeking more information about the 2021 Recognition of Asset Builders Celebration can contact Marg Fancy at
The Health Unit is a partner in Every Kid in Our Communities.
For media outlets looking for more information to promote the event or cover the ceremony, please contact Marg Fancy at or 613-340-8681.