The Village of Westport is reminding residents that Emergency Preparedness Week runs from May 1 to 7. This year’s theme is Emergency Preparedness: Be Ready for Anything.
The intent of this theme is to encourage residents to become better prepared for a range of emergencies they could potentially face in our municipality. Here are a few easy steps everyone can take:
  1. Have a plan in case you are told to stay inside or to leave quickly. Pick a meet-up spot out of town. Your entire family should know where and when to meet up if they can’t reach each other during an emergency.
  2. Know the risks where you live, work and play; it will help you be better prepared.
  3. Make a kit, or several kits, of basic items you and your family, including pets, will need in an emergency. Have important documents backed up in a safe place – safety deposit box, secure cloud storage, fire and waterproof box.
  4. Stay in touch with your emergency contacts and get reliable information during an emergency.
In addition to being prepared for any type of emergency, residents are encouraged to get reliable information from official government websites and social media channels, as well as from trusted local media outlets.
Take this year’s Emergency Preparedness Quiz.
For more information including valuable resources, visit
Village of Westport Community Emergency Management Coordinator