This song was written by Lennon and McCartney in 1967, however, when Joe Cocker sang it at Woodstock in 1969, it became an anthem that represents the importance of reaching out to support those in need.  At some point in everyone’s life, we all need a little help.  And that is the essence of the Westport Food Bank.  They reach out and offer support when people are in need.

The Westport Food Bank has closed its physical location at the United Church during COVID-19, however they are still taking care of people.   If you are in need of food, the Food Bank will arrange for you to supplement your food supply by shopping once a month at Kudrinko’s in Westport to an amount based on the size of your family. If you live in the Westport – Newboro area, please call Norm Lapointe at 613 273 5289, or email Shirley (Tooty) Dickey at  with your contact information.  That is the first step.  The Food Bank will then make the necessary arrangements with Kudrinko’s to enable you to shop for what you need. That is the second step.

Thanks to Neil and Martha and everyone at Kudrinko’s for their help with this temporary method of continuing to support those in need.  Of course, this wouldn’t be possible without the generous donations people make to the Westport Food Bank.

“What would you think if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ears and I’ll sing you a song.
And I’ll try not to sing out of key
Oh I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm gonna try with a little help from my friends”