Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit – February 8, 2022
Vaccination Statistics
For individuals 5 plus, our first dose vaccination rate is 94.0%, and fully vaccinated rate is 89.6%
The vaccination rate for 5 to 11 is 62% with a first dose – that is up from 60.5% last week – 26.8% of children 5 to 11 have received a second dose.
Third dose rates: for 60s – 82.8%, 70s – 90.8%, 80plus – 85.2% – Overall, for those 18 plus who are eligible for a third dose the rate is 66.3%
As of February 6, 2022 a total of 417,218 vaccinations have been administered in the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit (LGLDHU) region.
Our vaccination dashboard has all the details and will be updated again next Tuesday, February 15.
Vaccination Booking Reminders
There are many appointments available. A list of upcoming clinics is available on our website. Walk ins are available at all clinics.
We are working towards adding more community locations if possible.
We are focusing on increasing the number f children ages 5 to 11 who are vaccinated. If you would like more information about COVID vaccine for your child, contact us at 1-844-369-1234.
If you don’t feel well or have symptoms of COVID please do NOT attend your vaccine appt. Please wait to give your body a chance to recover from the virus,
o Wait at least 10 days from the start of COVID-19 symptoms and symptoms have resolved to receive the vaccine.
o If you have had a positive test (PCR or RAT), or had symptoms with a link to someone in your household who tested positive, then recommend waiting for 3 months before receiving the next dose of vaccine
o No need to rebook – just bring your confirmation to any clinic once recovered and we will get you in.
Vaccination Recommendations
·The province has release guidelines for those ages 12 to 17 who are eligible for booster doses. The details can be found here: COVID-19 Vaccine Third Dose Recommendations (gov.on.ca)
·Speak to your health care provider if you think the Johnson & Johnson or Astra Zeneca vaccines are appropriate for you.
For more information on COVID-19 vaccines, visit the COVID-19 Protection and Vaccines section of our website.