Odd Job Squad – Fall Clean Up and Odd Jobs around the home from Olivet Baptist Church: Phone: 613-273-2012 or email.
Lions Club Mobility Van – To reserve for medical/health-related appointments. Phone 613-273-5789 and leave a message. A Lions member will return your call within 24 hours.
The Good Food Box – Offers fresh fruits and vegetables at wholesale prices for all community members. For information call Terri Howard, CRCHC 613-272-3302×248 or email: thoward@crchc.on.ca.
Westport Food Bank – 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month at Westport United Church, 27 Church Street. Phone: 613-273-3031 or email sgrundy@rideau.net.
Keys Job Centre – Free services for the whole community. Whether looking for a job. exploring a new career or are an employers seekinig to hire. Contact the Elgin Office: Email: elgin@keys.ca or Phone: 613-359-1140.
Lanark, Leeds and Grenville Addictions and Mental Health – Addiction Treatment Resource – Drug/Alcohol Addiction – Problems with addiction? For free confidential consultation, get the help you need Monday to Friday: 866-499-8445. Get Help Now – 24/7 Crisis Line – 1-866-281-2911.
Alcoholics Anonymous – Only you can decide if you are an alcoholic. Alcoholics Anonymous has preapared a list of 12 Questions that can perhaps prove helpful. Phone: 1-855-267-2696 or email info@lanarkleedsaa.org.
Leeds & Grenville:
Affordable Housing is made up the below components. Click the link associated with the program below for information and its current availability. Contact information for each program is 613-342-3840 or 1-800-267-8146 ext. 2450, Affordable Housing Coordinator 613-342-3840 or 1-800-267-8146 ext 2450 or email .
- Housing Allowance provides rental assistance with a flat rate monthly subsidy paid directly to the renter.
Ontario Renovates Program provides a loan to low income households to make necessary repairs to their home.
- Home Ownership Program provides assistance for a down-payment to households who are buying their first home. Assistance is in the form of an interest free loan.
Secondary Suites Program is a funding program intended to inccrease the supply of affordable rental housing for low income households in Leeds and Grenville. Funding in the form of a forgivable loan is available to home owners and small landlords in Leeds and Grenville to construct a secondary suite, also known as a granny suite, garden suite or second unit.
Social Housing is administered by the Community and Social Servces Division – Housing Department. Click the link associated with the program below for information
- Social Housing Registry/Subsidized Housing processes applications for subsidized housing and maintains the centralized waiting list. Social Housing Forms are located within this page. Form more information about getting on the waiting list contact 613-342-3840 ext 2450.
- Developmental Services Ontario for adults in Ontario over 18. Learn about services and supports for people who have a developmental disability and are older than 18.
Lanark, Leeds and Grenville Addictions and Mental Health helps to provide housing solutions including group home environments, Can’t find a service? Need Help? Call 2-1-1 available 24/7 or visit the 211 Ontario website at 2-1-1
St. Edward’s Catholic School – JK to Grade 8
Church Services
St. Paul’s Anglican Church – 18 Spring Street – Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m.
Olivet Baptist Church – 30 Church Street – Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m.
Westport Free Methodist Church – 85 Bedford Street – Sunday Service at 10:30 a.m.
Knox Presbyterian Church – 47 Concession Street – Sunday Service at 10:30 a.m.
St. Edward’s Catholic Church – 11 Concession Street – Services on Saturday at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
St. Andrew’s By The Rideau – 72 Concession Street – Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m.
Westport United Church – 27 Church Street – Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m.