Last week we took a look at the pupils of Bell’s School, Salem, and Ardmore, and, not surprisingly, that was our most popular Vintage Westport post ever. For those who don’t follow The Rideau District Museum on Facebook, we had over 1,800 views of that particular post!
We love being popular, so, to continue with the trend, we are going to post three more school photos today where you might be able to spot a grandparent or distant relative. As always, we thank you for following Vintage Westport and keeping our history alive!

From The Review-Mirror (unknown date of issue). – The students of Newboro School – “Taken by a Kiwanis club person from Syracuse, NY who was staying at the hotel. Top Row (l to r): sister of George Lake, Phyllis Leggett, Lola Dier, Althea Kelsey, Pauline Mavety, Ethel Taylor, Marjorie Mavety. Second row (l to r): Doris Leggett, an unknown visitor, Alice Hull, Ethel Lyons, Josephine Tett, Alice Scott (daughter of hotel owners), Gladys Herrington (lived with the Scotts), Honor Tett, Evelyn Lyons, Mabel Warren, Wilhomena Tolles. Third row (l to r): Ross Knapp, Bruce Bell, Arthur Lyons, George Warren, Frank Knapp, a visitor, Dorothy Knapp, Marie Kelsey, Helen Kelsey, Frances Holmes, Lorraine Leggett. Fourth row (l to r): Eleanor Lyons, John Bell, Elma Lyons, Beryl Lyons, Geraldine Kelsey, Adelaide Fleming. Fifth row (l to r): Fred Fleming, Alma Frost, Alice Caird. Picture taken perhaps in 1919. Submitted by Ruth Gray, Bedford Mills”

School No. 6 at The Narrows, 1915 ~ From the pages of the Review-Mirror Back Row: Mary McNamee, Ursula Quigley, Mary Quigley, Ida Alore, Marcella Quigley, Marie Carty, Marguerite McNamee. Teacher: Edith Thompson, Gerald Thompson, Edward Andrew Kelly, Wilfred Haughian. Front Row: Frank Mooney, Florence Quigley, Edna Alore, Evaristus Carty, Gladys Alore, Maurice McNamee, Tom Mooney, Leonard Haughian, James Thompson, Alphonse Alore.

This is one of my favorites; kids just having fun. Westport Public School, September 18, 1946 Back Row: Edna Russell, Shirley Cooper, Jane Woodburn, Jill Roberts, Joan Anne Gordon, Margaret Stafford Front Row: Myrtle Green, Kathlyn Stafford, Margaret Truelove, Betty Sully, Pat Arnold, Anne Morlock, Florrie Dancy, Mary Goodfellow