Way, way back in 1914, the following entries were recorded in Nell McCann’s diary:
“Moved our Bed upstairs & Started house cleaning May 12th 1914 Noah Whitmarsh died of Plura Pneumonia. Nursed by Miss Lynn May 14th 1914 Ernie Botting & Nettie De Wolfe Married in house By Dr McKenzie May 12/14 Mr. Wm Bird stricken with Paralysis died on May 20/1914 Burried on 22 Put our Garden in on Monday May 18 – Planted our Fruit Trees on May 16-1914”

Noah Whitmarsh was a local cattle dealer and also Reeve of North Crosby for several years. He died of pneumonia at Westport’s Mount View Hospital.

Mrs. Charlie Ethel Chamberlain and her sister Annette (Nettie) DeWolfe in their younger years. Nettie married Ernest Botting on May 12th, 1914.

Mount View Hospital can be seen on the right in this old photo of the Mill Pond when it was more of a swamp.