Happenings in 1919 in the words of Nell McCann
“Sister OHara Died at Philadelphia – with her her Sisters – & her Remains were brought to Kingston on Mar 12th accompanied By Margaret, Jenny & John & his Wife – Met in Kingston by Steve OHara & Wife also J. F. McNally & Wife. The OHara Party returned to Westport & stayed a few days then went”

Some members of the O’Hara family: Bernard O’Hara, Pat O’Hara, Marcellus O’Hara, Sam Nichols, Jimmie Oakie, Tom O’Hara, John O’Hara, Phonse O’Hara, Jerome O’Hara, Steve O’Hara. This photo was dropped off anonymously in an album of miscellaneous photos to the museum with names identified on the back.
“Mar 5th Ash Wedensday Dr Berry Died at his home here after a short Illness of Flu followed by Paralysis age 52 yrs”

Dr. Berry is shown here in 1909. This picture was from a souvenir edition of The Westport Mirror which highlighted prominent businessmen of the village.
“Social held in St Edwards School & Grounds on July 16th very large attendance (danced in Hall until 4 A.M.) realized a goodly sum
Ice Cream Candy Booth 48.00
Soft Drinks
Ball Room
Eating Booth
10 Gold Piece
Chest Tea
Suit Clothse
Candy Box
Nett Proceeds over $900″

Postcard of St. Ed’s School – first separate school in Leeds & Grenville, built for $7,000.00 in 1886. From the archives of The Rideau District Museum.